
Which Girdle is the Best to Shape your Body?

5 Best Body Shaper Postpartum
What is the best body shaper postpartum? If you have wondered what the best postpartum girdle is, that would be the one that helps you improve your posture, provides you with support while you get your pre-baby figure back. Why do you wear a surgical girdle postpartum, and which one suits you the best? Check our top postpartum girdles: Salome 0216 Body Shaper Postpartum Fajas MYD 0068 Surgical Girdle Postpartum...

Hospital Bag Checklist
What to Pack in a Hospital Bag Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful stages in a woman's life. It's a moment where you don´t just put your body to the test but your adaptation capability going from a couple to a bigger family. In the case of mommies who chose to use a surrogate, is the same process, they must adapt to this new baby or babies that are on their...

Lose Those Extra Pounds Using Diane & Geordi Postpartum Girdle
Use Postpartum Girdle, experts recommend it… A pregnancy is one of the stages, on a woman’s life, which completes one of the most special cycles. Having a child represents, bring to the world a part of each one to make a beautiful being that will fill life with laughter and incomparable moments. But at the same time, the body suffers changes that will last and transform life completely, because when...