What is the care after plastic surgery?

Each person must know in detail the care after plastic surgery. The aspects to consider are linked to obtaining the expected results and the total recovery of the patient.
Importance of care after plastic surgery
Plastic surgery is a surgical intervention that anyone can decide to carry out at some point in their life; That is why care after plastic surgery is essential. The risks associated with this type of surgery can be high. However, if the patient promptly attends to the surgeon's recommendations, the results will be satisfactory.
First post-surgery care
The basic observations to consider during the first 24 hours after plastic surgery are decisive.
- Taking the medicines indicated by the doctor must be done at the scheduled times, respecting the prescription. Otherwise, the patient may experience unpleasant effects such as increased pain, dizziness, or fainting in extreme cases.
- The application of cold to counteract the normal inflammatory effects of surgery greatly relieves pain. However, the authorization of the attending physician is required before use.
- Exercising is one of the contraindications that demands more attention. At these times, the patient realizes that performing simple tasks requires strength and energy. For this reason, rest is advised and the return to activities will be carried out progressively.
Closed spaces or spaces that retain a lot of heat are discouraged for a postoperative patient. The risks of not taking care of yourself in this aspect can lead to low blood pressure or fainting.
The first days of care
During the first days after plastic surgery, efforts are focused on minimizing the risk of complications. Reducing pain and inflammation are two essential aspects to achieve the total recovery of the patient. Any type of physical activity that requires the use of force or resistance should be avoided.
The first weeks of recovery
The treatment to follow in the first weeks of the postoperative period focuses on maximizing recovery. The objective is that through specific care the expected results are achieved.
Physical activity will increase gradually. Between the second and third postoperative week, the person can return to their daily work with some minor restrictions. Around the fourth week, you will be able to carry out your activities normally.
In the current market, there is a wide range of post-operative garments and girdles. The use of these improves and helps reduce the discomfort of these surgeries. In Shapes Secrets, you will find a wide variety according to the type of surgery and the needs of each person.
Skin and healing in plastic surgery
The care after plastic surgery largely represents its success. The skin and its healing depend on strict adherence to the recommendations of the specialist in charge.
Special care
Poor healing is something that used to worry both the surgeon and the patient. For this reason, the care of skin that is going through a healing period must be carried out methodically.
Healthy skin will take less time to fully recover. Aspects such as the patient's age, genetics, depth, and location of the scar, influence rapid healing.
Stages of a healing process
In the first stage, just after plastic surgery, swelling is a normal feature of the wound. The dilation and enlargement of the blood vessels begin to form a crust on the surface of the skin.
In these first days, the wound must be kept clean, using hypoallergenic cleaners or soaps. These measures help prevent pigmentation of the area. This phase lasts between 3 and 4 days.
In the second stage or proliferative phase, regeneration begins. The wound begins a natural tension process, since cellular activity increases in the area, closing, and healing. This phase lasts about 14 days.
The third phase, or remodeling phase, begins a month and can extend beyond a year after surgery. Collagen is reabsorbed and the skin becomes smoother and more resistant.
Recommendations to care for the skin of the scar
Following the care after plastic surgery will avoid further risks and support the recovery of the skin. The use of hypoallergenic soaps with natural moisturizers takes care of the skin, reducing redness and pigmentation.
If the surgery was performed on the face, neck, or hands, you should avoid sun exposure for the first few days. The use of sunscreen is recommended. However, check with the specialist when you can start applying it again.
The itching of the skin after being operated on is an aspect that causes discomfort. Avoid scratching, handling, or removing the crusts or layers of skin that are raised. The risks of not taking care of your skin can leave unpleasant consequences as well as a feeling of wasted time and money.
Skin hydration is one of the keys to tissue recovery. To keep your skin hydrated, increase your water intake: between 6 and 8 glasses a day is ideal. Water rejuvenates the skin from within and helps eliminate toxins, thus speeding up recovery.
There are also aesthetic treatments that reinforce the recovery of the skin after a surgical procedure. Hyaluronic acid patches, therapeutic massages, and pressotherapy are some of them.
To achieve the expected results of plastic surgery, it is necessary to follow the specialist's recommendations to the letter. Skin and wound care is half the success of the surgery.