
What shapewear is the best for every outfit?

Happy Birthday to you and… Hey, you have to look beautiful. There are girls like us that love b-days, there is also a group of people who live that day like any other Monday. However, in my case, I love the eve of my birthday even if I don’t organize something extravagant or don’t get fancy presents, that day is my name day! That’s why I like to think...

Find out how to have cool outfit ideas for wearing dark colors
Don’t know how to match your dark clothing? Find out these cool outfit ideas Some people can think wearing total black outfits or create dark looks is complicated, depending the pieces you wear or the accessories. Or others might think they can look boring if they don’t match well the items. But you don’t have to be scared. Wearing black clothing can be one of the easiest ways to put...

Cómo vestirte cuando vas de compras
Te preguntas cómo vestirte para ir de compras? Aquí te ayudamos ¿Alguna vez te has sentido cansada al ir de compras? Ponerte y quitarte prendas, decidir qué llevarte, cargar bolsas puede resultar cansado después de muchas horas. Puede ser un tema del que muchas mujeres no estén al tanto, o no lo piensen antes de salir a caminar en un mall y chequear todas las tiendas que quieras, pero definitivamente...